Sunday, August 29, 2010

It is 4:15 and I am still awake. HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN

I am so very tired at the moment but cannot sleep, seems like a perfect time to Blog :D

I ate Subway today, and had the "steak and cheese" sub.  I added Parmesan cheese on it, my god that Sub was so good, I wish I had another one right now.

I started playing WoW again recently, I am starting over.  I rerolled a rogue that I will hopefully have 80 when Cata hits, he is lvl 18 right now.  If I play 2 - 4 hours a day, think I can do it?

I found a new thing I LOVE yesterday.  White wine.  I can't even describe how much I love the taste of it.  Also, having a glass of Red wine with a steak dinner is just GLORIOUS!!

I wonder if my Blog will get alot of popularity, all I do is post funny pictures and my random thoughts.  Then again there are people on Youtube making a ton of money doing just that haha.

Anyways, I'm going to try to sleep again.  Hope you enjoy my Blog!!


  1. depends, do you have any heirloom items, at least get some heirloom daggers or swords depending on your spec, it'll really make level grinding easier.

  2. As soon as I read "Steak and Cheese" and "my god was so good" I knew I had to follow this blog. I'd quit WoW, but that's only because I have a deep hatred for it, as it's all my best friends talk about...but the rest of it is delicious. Check out mine if you're into good movies!

  3. isn't the steak & cheese sub super expensive? I always mean to try it and then look at the employees and sort of lose my appetite. The only place with worse-looking human beings is probably rite-aid. I don't even know how that happens

    Yeah, I need to sleep too.

  4. clicked & following!

  5. oh shit i now want subway.Damn you. This is also a ncie well done blog. keep it up.

  6. It's doable for the rogue, it's all too easy to level nowadays. 70-80 will take the longest but even then it's tooooo easy.

  7. i had a super delicious subway today too :D chicken, salad and cucumber ^^ all you need.

  8. Oh man, my GF worked at Subway, and she would make me a Spicy Italian with parmesan, oregano, oil and vinegar, and salt and pepper. Delicious!
